Concrete batching plant plans
Concrete batching plant plans are so broad that it covers selection of model, location, site design and even employees.
Model Selection Basis
1. Performance label of construction concrete: This helps you to decide what kind of mixing machine to choose. Water conservancy projects must be equipped with forced mixers, and batching plant and storage bin shall be selected according to the type of concrete materials that can be mixed.
2. Task quantity and construction period: These two parameters help to select the size of a concrete plant. Set the total task of concrete as m; the pouring days of concrete as t; the working hours per day as H; if the utilization coefficient is k, the specification of mixing station x = m / (t * h * k), where k is 0.7-0.9. In selection, the transportation condition of finished concrete shall also be considered. For example: direct pumping or vehicle transportation. The volume of transport vehicles is also an important basis for determining the type of a concrete batching plant.

3. Construction environment and object:
A. when the construction site needs large amount of one-time pouring, high quality requirements, and there is no nearby reinforcement mixing station, it is better to choose two mixing stations with smaller specifications, or choose one main and one pair of dual machines.
B. When the site traffic is inconvenient and the maintenance personnel need to spend a lot of time in and out of the site, it is better to choose the same small size of double station, or prepare enough spare parts, so as to ensure the smooth construction progress.
C. When the construction sites are scattered, but the distance between the construction sites is not too far, the transportation radius of the concrete mixer truck is not more than half an hour's drive, and the transportation radius of the dump truck is not more than 10 minutes. It's better to adopt multiple working numbers for centralized mixing, so as to improve the utilization rate of the mixing plant and the construction economic benefit.
Location and Site Design
Please refer to concrete batching plant design elaborated on in a previous article.
Generally speaking, the structure of small-scale concrete mixing plants is simple, and the control system is also simple, so the requirements for operation and maintenance personnel are low. The larger stations, on the other hand, have complex structure and high degree of automation, so they have higher requirements for operators. You should also take this into account in your employment plans. Of course, the most important difference behind green hands and skillful operators lies in salary they expect.
In each of the concrete batching plant plans mentioned above, please bear in mind that the plan that suits you best is worth adopting. Take model and equipment selection for example. You are suggested informing your supplier all details of your project and budget so that they will be able to recommend the most cost efficient model. Never want more than you need, which will be a waste of your money.
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