How to improve the production efficiency of stationary concrete mixing station?
After more than 20 years of development, stationary concrete mixing station technology is more and more mature in our country. From the low efficiency and high energy consumption originally until today high efficiency and low energy consumption, concrete mixing station market has changed again and again. With the passage of time, the market continues to heat up, how to improve the production efficiency in order to meet the needs of the construction project? Below, we discuss this aspect.
First, butterfly valves and related electrical components should be inspected regularly, so as to guarantee the smooth operation, the connection between the powder hopper and the concrete mixer is good, so as to ensure the normal order of the feeding time;
Secondly, the user should check the integrity of the internal blade lining, the position of the raw material, the time of delivery, and whether there is an axial phenomenon affecting the mixing effect and time;
Thirdly, it is generally used to increase the capacity of concrete hopper or design the concrete hopper into a storage container to reduce the material time.
Finally, users should be according to the production capacity of commercial concrete station and transportation distance, equip enough truck to meet transportation of the commercial concrete and ensure the progress of the project.